Adding a System Call

This document describes how to add a system call to User-mode Linux to the linux-6.6.9 kernel. Make sure you have a running UML kernel (see separate instruction). Understanding this will be a prerequisite to solve the first mandatory assignment.

Define the entry point

The first thing you need to do is modify the file unistd_64.h in the directory arch/x86/include/generated/uapi/asm/unistd_64.h. In this file, you need to add a line providing an id for your system call. Locate the bunch of lines of the form #define NR_somename (in this example NR_hellokernel), and add a new entry for your system call by adding/chaning the following (don’t forget to increase the value for __NR_syscalls from 454 to 455)

#define __NR_fchmodat2 452
#define __NR_map_shadow_stack 453
#define __NR_hellokernel 454

#ifdef __KERNEL__
#define __NR_syscalls 455

Next, you must add and entry refering to your call in the system calls table. To do this, modify syscall_64.tbl file in ./arch/x86/entry/syscalls/ and add the following (last) line:

452     common  fchmodat2               sys_fchmodat2
453     64      map_shadow_stack        sys_map_shadow_stack
454     common  hellokernel             sys_hellokernel

Next we will implement a system call.

Implementation code

First of all, create a header file hellokernel.h for your system call and place it in arch/um/include/asm as shown here:



extern int sys_hellokernel( int );


Then, write out the implementation hellokernel.c of your system call in arch/um/kernel/ as shown here. (Note the use of the asmlinkage modifier. This macro tells the compiler to pass all function arguments on the stack.):


#include "linux/kernel.h"
#include "linux/unistd.h"

int sys_hellokernel( int flag ) {
    printk("Your kernel greets you %d times! \n", flag);
return 0;

Finally, modify the respective Makefile in arch/um/kernel and add somename.o (in this example: hellokernel.o) to the list of build targets.

extra-y :=

obj-y = config.o exec.o exitcode.o irq.o ksyms.o mem.o \
        physmem.o process.o ptrace.o reboot.o sigio.o \
        signal.o sysrq.o time.o tlb.o trap.o \
        um_arch.o umid.o maccess.o kmsg_dump.o capflags.o hellokernel.o skas/
obj-y += load_file.o

Now you have to recompile the kernel. Change to the kernel source root directory and recompile :

cd ~/dm510/linux-6.6.9
make ARCH=um linux

The next step is to use the new system call from a user-space application.

Creating a stub for your system call

You call the new functions as identified by their index through the syscall function. With the syscall function, you can call, what a surprise, a system call. For example, the short application shown below calls your sys_hellokernel using the index of the system call and 42 as argument. The program can be compiled with the command gcc -o testsystemcall testsystemcall.c.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "arch/x86/include/generated/uapi/asm/unistd_64.h"

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    printf("Calling ... \n");

Run user mode linux


Login, and mount your home directory, and change to the directory where your newly compiled program is stored:

mount none /mnt/tmp -t hostfs -o /home/your_imada_login/dm510
cd /mnt/tmp/linux-6.6.9

Execute the program. The result should be similar to the following:

root@dm510host:/mnt/tmp/linux-6.6.9# ./testsystemcall
Calling ...
Your kernel greets you 42 times!

If you have more terminals, the message could show up in another terminal. You can also see the statement from the kernel using dmesg.

Further (partially very old) information